The correct way to wear a mask

Editor:Zhejiang Antipollution Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. │ Release Time:2020-12-16 

Usually, the disposable masks we buy in pharmacies are medical surgical masks. They have front and back sides, with the darker usually blue side facing out, and the lighter side facing inwards towards your face. Not only that. The mask also have an up- and a downside. The side with the metal strip is the upside, which is over the bridge of the nose when worn. After understanding the basic structure of a mask, let's learn how to wear a mask correctly.

1.       First of all, wash your hands to prevent dirty hands from contaminating the inner surface of the mask.

2.       Place the mask horizontally on the face covering mouth and nose, and hang the ear loops at both ends on the ears using both hands.

3.       As shown in the figure below, both hands pull the folds of the mask up and down at the same time, so that the mask completely covers the mouth, nose and chin.

4.       Finally, press the metal strip on both sides of the bridge of the nose with the index fingers of both hands to fix the upper end of the mask onto the bridge of the nose.

When wearing a mask, avoid touching the mask to prevent from reducing its protective effect. After taking the mask off, put it in a plastic or a paper bag, and then dispose of it in a covered trash can. Wash your hands promptly after that.

Never reuse a disposable mask.